
The section responsibility is disseminating technical information to vegetables and fruits growers in Swazi Nation Land in an effort to improve their levels of production and income. The promotion of vegetables consumption is the key as it’s very essential in the diet of those affected by deadly disease HIV / AIDS, and it’s availability as food security measure for the homestead.
Overall coordination of the horticultural development programmes in the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, which entails planning, implementation, monitoring of all horticultural development activities under the Department of Agriculture and Extension


  • To create farm cash income for horticulture products in the rural areas and improve nutritional status
  • To provide employment opportunities to rural farmers
  • To promote and encourage commercialization of horticulture products among small scale farmers
  • To empower human resource to support the Industry (Farmers and Officers).
  • To intensify efficiency of resource utilization ( land and water)
  • To create a local and export market of horticulture products.
  • To assist in the procurement of disease free fruit and vegetable planting materials


  • To develop and implement plans in pursuit of horticulture development in rural areas.
  • Promote establishment, management of fruits and vegetables nurseries 
  • Promote Urban Horticulture



  • National vegetables competition
  •  Human resource empowerment.
  •  Promotion of export produces (Baby vegetables).
  • Use of internet for sourcing information and new technology.


o Fertilizer Application
 Mango
 Banana
 Avocado
 Litchi
o Removal of dead wood and none fruiting limbs/branches
o Removal of rotting fruit and diseased leaves

o Fertilizer application to young plants planted up to 3years
o Start of spraying programme on mangoes with Dithane M45 and Copper oxychloride forth nightly
o End of planting fruit trees in Lowveld and Middleveld

o Pruning deciduous fruit trees
o Placing of orders for deciduous fruits seedling
o Preparation of planting holes
o Control of mango weevil and fruit fly in Peach

o Start planting deciduous fruit trees
o Fruit fly control
o Controlling sucking pest in Citrus fruit trees

o Fertilizer application on young planted trees <3years
o Harvesting peaches and mango

o End of planting deciduous fruit trees in the Highveld




o Plant correct seed varieties for the season
o Sep up a crop protection programme for Solanacea species to prevent Blights
o Plant all vegetables on market request
o Wear protective clothing whenever you are spraying
o Always observe the withdrawal period for every chemical
o Plant vegetables in summer for better returns
o Avoid crops that are prone to frost in winter 

Cyprian Dlamini
Crop Promotion Manzini
P.O. Box 501

Tel: 25052051

Fax :25053523


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