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Cabinet Offices                             

Hospital Hill                        




P.O Box 395


Telephone:   +268 2411 7900

Facsimile:   +268 2404 3943

Website     :   www.gov.sz


What is e-Government? 

  • e-Government (electronic-Government) is about leveraging the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve public administration
  • Transcends improved public administration to transforming the country to an information society and knowledge economy
  • It is not about the ā€œeā€ but Government
  • 2013 Government approved the e-Government Strategy 2013/2017
  • National Policy documents supporting e-Government Strategy- National Development Strategy (NDS), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers(PRSP) and National Information and Communications Infrastructure (NICI) Policy.


  • Achieving social gains: from providing better services and making government more people-centric, open, responsive and participative to rendering the Kingdom of Swaziland an information society as well as meeting the MDG to secure an improved quality of life for the citizens of Swaziland through substantive poverty reduction.
  • Achieving economic gains: from reducing compliance and transactions costs for businesses and individuals, providing better targeted public services, and making government a more efficient component of the economy to transforming the Kingdom of Swaziland into an information economy.
  • Achieving fiscal gains: through more efficient and cost-effective public expenditure on service delivery, reduction of corruption, and supporting information and technology systems.
  • Achieving national capability and performance gains: that transcends the Kingdom of Swaziland on a national level and the decentralised layers of Government ā€“ the Tikhundla.


Executive Secretary: Mr. Bonga Ndlangamandla

E-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Government is committed to paving the way for economic growth by meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and raising the quality of life of the people of Swaziland to the highest attainable levels. This will be achieved by leveraging electronic and mobile Government to transform the Civil Service to become a catalyst for national change.

e-Government  Gallery Home 


Launch of the Motor Vehicle Licence Disc Collection and Distribution{gallery}gallery/e-gov/DiscCollection{/gallery}

e-Payment  Platform Launch For Business Licenses : [Watch Live] {gallery}gallery/e-gov/e-paymentlaunch{/gallery}

e-Payment platform Launch for Company registration using Mobile Money {gallery}gallery/e-gov/momolaunch{/gallery}

e-Gov  Communication Strategy and  Logo Launch{gallery}gallery/e-gov/e-govlauncheceremony{/gallery}

e-Government Siswati Name and Slogan Launch {gallery}gallery/e-gov/namelaunch{/gallery}






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