

In Swaziland, communicable diseases remain the most common cause of morbidity and mortality. In addition to that, there are emerging patterns non-communicable diseases in Swaziland; nutritional disorders are also a major contributor to the high mortality and morbidity. Like all countries globally, Swaziland is not spared from the emerging and re-emerging diseases and events of international concern. Measuring these health conditions and outcomes can guide health personnel decision-making, programme implementation, policy development, and evaluation activities.

The Ministry of Health recognizes the importance of reliable and high quality health information and the need to track the burden of diseases as part the broader strategy of achieving optimum health and wellbeing of the nation. Therefor in 2009 the strategic information department was established and it comprise of the M&E, HMIS, Research and Epidemiology.  

Dashboard On Key Performance Indicators for Epidemiology

Thematic Area Indicator Name Baseline Target Quarterly Actual Output Status (Highlight Colour )
IDSR % of facilities submitting weekly reports 0 100% Facilities reporting weekly  
  % of outbreaks investigated 0 100% No outbreak seen  
Strategic plan Strategic plan developed 0 100% Draft strategic plan available  
Data analysis Number of program data analysed 10 16 Data analysis only done for OPD data  
Feedback # epidemiologic bulletin 0 4 No epidemiology bulletin done  


Programme Manager: Xolile Dlamini
Tel: +268 2404 4980

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