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Preparations are at an advanced stage for the first session of Buganu Ceremony to be held in the Northern Hhohho region at Buhleni Royal Residence this coming weekend.

As part of the preparations, the Minister for Home Affairs Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Lindiwe has met different stakeholders organizing the event today at Buhleni Royal Residence.

The Minister applauded organizing committee members for the magnificent work done in preparing for the event. “Indeed everybody is dedicated to ensure the event prospers peaceful and in order, this will certainly please their Majesties” she said. The Minister added that everybody must pray for better weather conditions on Saturday. She added that the recent heat wave experienced country wide can spoil the occasion.

The Minister plea with the commities to continue working exceptional so that the ceremony gain popularity and increase attendance numbers each year as the country move to first world status by 2022. Moreover, the minister emphasized that the Buganu event needs to carry on to year 2022 and its magnitude bear a resemblance of first world.

During the meeting other issues were discussed. These include transportation of Libutfo from various constituencies’ country wide, health, accommodation, water, welfare of scouts and brigades to mention a few. furtheremore, transport will ferry Libutfo from as early as 1000hrs on Friday. Additionally, an information Centre will be available at proximity of the Arena for tourists to utilize and enjoy the colourful event and the warmth of the Kingdom of Eswatini.


For media queries contact:

Mlandvo A. Dlamini
Ministerial Communications Officer
Ministry of Home Affairs
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Cell: +268 7606 3938

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