Contacts Details

Head Office

Telephone: (+268) 2404 2476/7/8

Fax: (+268) 2404 3357


2nd Floor Sokhamlilo Building, Mdada Street, Mbabane

Tel: +268 2404-6263

Director: Mr. Victor Mhlongo

The National Population Unit (NPU) was created to coordinate the preparation, implementation, review, monitoring and evaluation of the national population policy. The goal of the policy is to improve the quality of life of the people of Swaziland, by influencing population trends as well as respond to emerging challenges such as HIV/AIDS. The policy is one of the initiatives aimed at operationalizing the National Development Strategy and the Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Programme (PRSAP).

The policy is being operationalised through the joint Government of Swaziland/UNFPA Country Programme (CP) for 2006-2010 which is being implemented within the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2006 - 2010.

The goal of the CP is to contribute to an improved quality of life of the population and to reduce poverty by:

(a) Strengthening reproductive health, gender equality and equity;

(b) HIV prevention especially among young people;

(c) Improving data collection, management and use and;

(d) Strengthening national capacity building and partnerships.

The CP which is being implemented by both governmental and non-governmental organizations seeks to contribute to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals specifically Goal 3 (gender equality and empowerment); Goal 4 (child mortality reduction); Goal 5 (maternal mortality reduction) and; Goal 6 (combat of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases).

During the period under review, the unit undertook several activities aimed at facilitating the implementation and coordination of the population policy. These include those related to monitoring, advocacy, financial management and development of tools to facilitate population policy implementation. The activities are as summarized below:-

Duties of the Department

Development of Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) on Population and Development

Consequently a draft CPAP has been developed by the ministry with the support of UNFPA and in collaboration with stakeholders from both governmental and non-governmental organizations and is being finalized.

Commemoration of World Population Day

The World Population Day is commemorated globally on the 11th July each year with the purpose of drawing the attention of policy makers and the public at large to pertinent population and development issues.  The theme for 2010 was “Everyone counts” with a focus on the 2010 round of censuses. The advocacy was therefore centred on underscoring the importance of data for development and enhancing understanding of why reliable, disaggregated data is so crucial for development policy formulation, planning and programming.  The commemoration was undertaken on the 14 th July, 2010 at Hlane Inkhundla in the Lubombo region. During this occasion, the Honorable Prime Minister who was the guest of honor disseminated the 2007 Swaziland Population Census results. The event was well attended by dignitaries including Ministers, Members of Parliament and the UNFPA sub-regional Director for East and Southern Africa as well as members of the public.

Development of State of the Swaziland Population (SoSP) Report

The ministry with the support of UNFPA has started the process of developing the SoSP for 2010 which focuses on the linkages between population and climate change.  This document will reveal what needs to be done to arrest the devastating impacts of climate change especially on vulnerable population groups like the poor, women and youth. It is envisaged that the report will be finalized by the end of the year.

Monitoring of Implementation of CP

In fulfillment of its mandate, the National Population Unit convened two progress review meetings, on the 18th August and 14th October, 2010, with implementing partners to ascertain the progress of implementation. The overall implementation rates were 65% and 86% in August and October respectively, and were deemed satisfactory.


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