Hon. Minister Savannah Maziya Profile

Honourable Savannah Maziya hails from Siteki in the Lubombo region and has gone on to have a distinguished career spanning numerous industries, including broadcasting, mining, oil and gas, infrastructure, energy and food, among others.

Honourable Maziya holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) specialising in Strategy and Finance Management, from De Montfort University in the United Kingdom. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science and Broadcast Management from Bridgewater University, United States of America (USA). She is also an alumna of Columbia University in New York, USA.

Before her appointment as Senator and Minister of Information, Communications and Technology, Honourable Maziya served as CEO of Bunengi Investment Group, a global company based in South Africa, with interests in mining, infrastructure and energy, among other sectors. From 2000 to 2004, Honourable Maziya was CEO of The African Broadcast Network, a London-based network targeting emerging markets with a primary focus on Africa. She is also a member of various forums and councils including C200- a community of top women in business, representing firms with a combined revenue exceeding $1.4 trillion; International Women’s Forum- a network of globally accomplished women leaders; Women’s Business Council- a council of leading women, mentoring professional women, entrepreneurs, rural and young women in business; European Battery Alliance- focused on promoting safer roads, cleaner vehicles, and eco-friendly technological innovations; as well as European Raw Materials Alliance, which aims to reduce Europe's dependency on third-country raw materials.

The Honourable Minister also sits on the board of Sibanye-Stillwater, a global mining company specialising in gold, platinum, and palladium as well as WSP, a Canadian-listed engineering group. She has also previously served on the board of the then Standard Bank Swaziland (now Eswatini) as well as on the boards of numerous other organisations, including WBHO, Rand Water, South African National Gambling Board, and the Broadcast Commission of South Africa, among others.

In November 2023, His Majesty King Mswati III first appointed Honourable Maziya as Senator in the 12th Parliament of the Kingdom of Eswatini and then as Honourable Minister of ICT.

Anyone can be a victim of cyber-crime- Sakhile Dlamini

06 February 2024

Sakhile Dlamini is a Senior Communications Engineer in the Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology (ICT), a role that covers internet governance, cybersecurity, ecommerce, broadcasting infrastructure, telecommunications, and frequency spectrum, among others. In our latest civil servants’ blog, Dlamini tells us more about his work, including efforts to protect emaSwati from cyber threats.

Government Communications (GC): “What is your current job now and what does it entail? Please elaborate

Sakhile Dlamini (SD): “I am a Senior Communications Engineer. The job entails mainly the development of policy and legislative frameworks as well as carrying out projects, and programs in the communications sector such as internet governance, cybersecurity, ecommerce, broadcasting infrastructure, telecommunications, and frequency spectrum.”

GC: “Before this role, what other positions did you occupy in the Service?”

SD: “a. Network Engineer at Government Computer Services from 2010 to 2014.

  1. b. Communications Engineer 1 from 2014 to 2017.”

GC: “So far, what would you say the biggest highlight/achievement of your Civil Service journey has been?”

SD: “Playing a key role in the establishment of the National Chapter of the Internet Governance Forum (Eswatini IGF); contributing to the development of the National Cybersecurity Strategy and active participation in creating awareness on cyber- attacks and running of the Digital Terrestrial Television signal distribution network.”

GC: “What is the biggest project that you have been involved in working for Government?”

SD: “Implementing the Digital Migration project which facilitated the migration from analogue to digital television transmission. I have also been involved in the development of the Cyber Legislative frameworks, namely: Data Protection Act 2022, Computer Crime and Cybercrime Act, 2022, and the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2022.”

GC: “Cybercrime remains a threat countrywide. What is Government doing to curb this illegal act and ensure that emaSwati are safe online?”

SD: “Government has enacted the Computer Crime and Cybercrime Act, 2022 and developed the National Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2027. We also conduct awareness on cyber-crimes and threats. Government, through the Ministry of ICT, has established the National Cybersecurity Agency at ESCCOM, tasked with coordinating all cybersecurity issues in the country. Furthermore, the National Computer Incident Response Team (NCIRT) has been established under the National Cybersecurity Agency at ESCCOM. The NCIRT and the Police Service (REPS) provide platforms for emaSwati to report incidents they have been victim of. Government has also been creating awareness to the public on how to be safe online.”

GC: “What quick tips can you give to emaSwati to stay safe online?”

SD: “Create strong passwords; do not share your password with anyone; do not store your passwords; and avoid clicking on suspicious links on email and social media, i.e. WhatsApp groups.”

GC: “What lessons have you learnt while working on cybersecurity programs in Government?”

SD: “Cybersecurity awareness should be an ongoing activity for Government and should target all employee classes. Anyone can be a victim of cyber-crime.”

GC: “What do you love the most about working in Government?

SD: “Government is well structured and provides opportunity for growth through policies such as variation, promotion and training initiatives. Government also offers job security.”

GC: “What do you love the most about your job and profession?”

SD: “I love the fact that I can contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for socio-economic development through ICTs as well as the establishment of internet Governance frameworks and promoting the adoption of ICTs.”

GC: “What would you say are some of the challenges that come with your job?”

SD: “Inadequate funding for ICTs and a lack of budget for infrastructure development projects such as the Digital Terrestrial Television Network.”

GC: “What lessons have you learnt working for Government?”

SD: “Government is a well-structured institution, with many provisions for personnel development and improving the capacity of Government employees.”

GC: “What are your aspirations for the future in Government?”

SD: “I would love to see more empowerment provisions for Government employees including a medical aid facility. I would also love to see the streamlining of Government Ministries and departments and other institutions to achieve efficiency and eliminate duplication of efforts. Lastly, I hope to see an improved Performance Management System and more accountability in Government.”


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Tender Reference 53 of 2022/2023

The Ministry of Information Communications & Technology now invites sealed Tenders for the provision of Framework contracts for the supply and delivery of Information Technology (IT) common use items

The Invitation to Tender document can be obtained at Ministry of ICT, Inter-ministerial Complex, Mbabane, ESWATINI for the price of E300 (three hundred Emalangeni), which against receipt should be paid at Mbabane Revenue Office (payment is non-refundable).

 In account 432 1601 04199

Tenders must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, which must be marked as follows:

“The Secretary to ESWATINI Government Tender Board”, Treasury Building, Mhlambanyatsi Road, MBABANE”

Further the envelope must be marked with following information: Ministry of Information Communication & Technology’, ‘Tender No. 53 of 2022/2023, Framework contracts for the supply and delivery of Information Technology (IT) common use items, LOT [lot number being tendered for]’’, IF NOT TENDER WILL BE REJECTED & RETURNED UNOPENNED. ‘Do not open before 09:00hrs on the 53 of 2021/2022

Tenders must be delivered to the offices of ESWATINI Government Tender Board, Treasury Building, Mhlambanyatsi Road, Mbabane, ESWATINI, before 09:00hrs on the 29th July 2022 and deposited in the Treasury Tender Box.

Tenders received in time by the latest date and time for submission will be opened at the Treasury Building at 09:00hrs on the 29th July 2022. Tenders not deposited in the Treasury Tender Box, as well as late, telegraphic, electronic and faxed tenders will not be considered. Tenderers may attend the opening procedure.

The documents specified in ‘’Instructions to Tenderers’’, includes:

  • A certified current copy of an official statement of the Directors, alternative directors, managers and auditors of the company (for ESWATINI firms: Form ‘J’);
  • A certified current copy of an official statement of the annual summary of shares capital and shares (for ESWATINI firms: Form ‘C’);
  • Certified copy of the Labour Compliant Certificate.
  • Original Police clearance certificate for all directors
  • Original GENERAL Receipt for payment for the Tender Document.
  • A certified copy of the relevant current Trading Licence.
  • An original of the current Tax Clearance Certificate for Government Tenders, (hand written version)
  • A certified copy of the current Labour Compliance Certificate,
  • A certified copy of relevant ENPF certificate of compliance,
  • VAT Certificate,
  • Manufacture verification,
  • The Tenderer shall furnish, as part of its Tender, a Tender Security for the equivalent of E30, 000.00 Emalangeni. Original Insurance Bond or Bank Guarantee Security Bond Letter.


Note: The tender is divided into four (4) different Lots and each company is allowed to bid for ONLY one Lot.

The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

For further information contact the following: Executive Secretary for E-Government at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Acting Director for Research and Innovation at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The tender advertisement is also available at: www.gov.sz

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