

Regional Administration is the second level of government after National Government, established by Section 82 (1) of the Constitution of Eswatini, 2005. It provides structures for national government to allocate resources in an efficient, effective and more equitable way to communities in the country. Regional Administration structures and Institutions are created to administer and co-ordinate socio-economic development in the respective regions through community-based initiatives specifically targeting at improving the standard of living of the people.

Prior to attainment of Independence in 1968, the Regional Administrators(RAs) were known as District Commissioners. During this time, there were six regions; Pigg's Peak and Mankayane were regions on their own. New boundaries were then formed, Pigg's Peak joined Hhohho region and Mankayane joined Manzini hence the current four regions which are Hhohho, Manzini, Shiselweni and Lubombo.

The initial formalized Tinkhundla Centres were twenty two (22).The number was then increased to forty (40), later to fifty five (55) and currently to 59, to take into account the geographical spread, demographics and the fair representation. To the present day Tinkhundla are modern in physical infrastructure, appearance and operation but still maintain the full prehistoric character and founding principle. Each Inkhundla comprises of several Chiefdoms and has a Centre wherein there is a basic administration structure and Council.

The four (4) regions comprises of fifty nine (59) Tinkhundla centres whose distribution per region is as follows:

                                    REGION NUMBER OF TINKHUNDLA CENTRES
Hhohho      15
Manzini      18
Shiselweni      15
Lubombo      11

From 1967, the Swazi local administration took over from the British Colonial Government. Peter Helemisi Mtsetfwa, Ray Maphalala, Matsebula, Abby Mamba and Maqobolwane Mamba were some of the first District Commissioners during that era. 

From 1978, a delegation was sent to other countries to see how they operate.. Countries like Tanzania were visited by the delegation. What they found was that District Commissioners were Regional Administrators and Permanent Secretaries were called Principal Secretaries; Eswatini adopted these titles.


The Regional Administrator is a political figure with a focus on political and developmental issues in the region and also overseeing and presiding over chieftaincy isssues. The four Regional Administrators are appointed by His Majesty the King through the advice of Minister of Tinkhundla Administration and Development. The Regional Administrator has a status of a Deputy Minister for the Minister responsible for Tinkhundla with such benefits and privileges as may be prescribed by the constitution.

In terms of roles and functions of the RA, he/she convenes and presides over chiefs meetings to facilitate development in the chiefdoms.

The following is a list of the current RAs for the term of ofiice of 2018 to 2023:

Hhohho Region             :HRH Princess Tsandzile

Manzini Region             :Prince Gija

Lubombo Region          :Mr.Themba Msibi

Shiselweni Region        :Mr.  Peter Mamba


The role of Regional Administration has evolved greatly, having been strengthened constitutionally from being general, to specifically being the head of all government development activities taking place within a region.

It has been observed that the most effective way of reaching people and meeting their development needs at grassroots level starts at regional level. This is even more possible with increased effectiveness and effeciency of Regional Administration Structures resulting to satisfactory implementation and coordination of development programmes. For this purpose, the Regional Secretary is the central point and head of the regional secretariat that supports the Regional Administrator to operationalize the development agenda and aspirations of the region. Furthuremore,the Regional Secretary as the most senior civil servant is in charge of overseeing government business and coordinating all regional development projects and programmes.

The four (4) Regional Secretaries are listed herein under:-

Hhohho Region       : Mr.Sibusiso Dlamini

Manzini Region       : Mr. Arnold Dlamini

Lubombo Region    : Ms Swane Dlamini

Shiselweni Region  : Mr. Bheki  Thwala


  • Supervising, coordinating and facilitating Regional and Tinkhundla development and public service delivery provided by all government Ministries and non-governmental Organizations at the Regions, Tinkhundla and Chiefdoms,
  • Coordinating and facilitating the provision of office accommodation for all relevant government Ministries and NGOs at the Region and Tinkhundla Constituencies in consultation with relevant stakeholders and the national Government Ministries,
  • Facilitating and monitoring political administration at Regional, Tinkhundla and Chiefdom levels including the convening of public meetings at the Tinkhundla and Chiefdom level,
  • Facilitation of resolution of community conflicts and land disputes in the Chiefdoms,
  • Facilitate, coordinate and monitor the collection of demographical data in the individual Inkhundla  and chiefdom level for national socio-economic planning,
  • Facilitate and monitor the implementation of developmental projects provided by the Regional Development Fund, Empowerment Fund, Community Poverty Reduction Fund and other funds made available to the Regions, Tinkhundla and Chiefdoms for purposes of economic development at grassroots level,
  • Facilitate, coordinate and convey the Swazi nation to national events, gatherings/meetings held in the Royal Residences from all the Chiefdoms and Tinkhundla and
  • Conducts civil marriages and attestationof affidavits and Commissioner of Oaths services. 


Each region is under the directorship of the Regional Secretary who is the management head of the region. The RS  reports administratively to the Principal Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development and politically to the Regional Administrator. Professionally, the position of Regional Secretary is linked to that of Director of Decentralization and is responsible for: 

  • Managing and overseeing decentralized service delivery and development management in the regions,
  • Coordinating the preparation of the regional budgeting and planning process according to regional priorities and produce then present the requisite plans and budgets to the Ministry responsible for Tinkhundla,
  • Preparation of monthly financial reports on recurrent and capital projects in the region,
  • Procurement and management of all equipment, facilities and transport facilities available for use by the region,
  • Serving as chairperson of all heads of public sector departments, NGOs and service organizations to review programmes and performance of each sector and ensure complementarity of the programmes in the region,
  • Serving as Secretary to the Regional Council (This is the highest political organ in the region),
  • Serving as chairperson of Community Poverty Reduction Fund (this is a technical committee which evaluates and appraises projects there after awards loans) to members of the public in the region,
  • Creating and coming-up with developmental innovations in the region to improve the standard of living of the Swazi citizen,
  • Serving as an administrative leader and coordinator of all heads of ministries in the regions, with all Government Ministries in the region reporting to RS to enable effective coordinationof development programs,
  • Coordinating the development and implementation of the Regional Integrated Development Plans and 
  • Supervising and monitoring the disbursement of the Regional Development Fund, Empowerment Fund and Community Poverty Reduction Fund and submit quarterly financial report to the National Government (Ministry of Tinkhundla Administration and Development and Ministry of Finance).




                                                             2404 4713
REGIONAL SECRETARY  :           Sibusiso  Dlamini

                                                             2404 0637 / 76063305  




                                                            2505 8654
REGIONAL SECRETARY:            Arnold Dlamini

                                                            2505 8655 / 76063912




                                                            2207 7384/76063719
REGIONAL SECRETARY:          Mr. Bheki  Thwala

                                                           2207 7323 / 76062212




                                                             2343 4400
REGIONAL SECRETARY:            Ms.  Swane Dlamini

                                                             2343 4410 / 76062862

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