Overview of the Ministry’s Activities

Recognizing the key role of education in economic and social development, the country has made remarkable undertakings towards providing quality education to all its citizens at all levels through formal and non-formal approaches. It has intensified its efforts in the implementation of equity and competitiveness driven reforms. At primary / basic school level, the Ministry’s objective is expansion of participation, ensuring that all pupils, irrespective of their social or economic circumstances have access to quality education.  At secondary/ high school level, the aim is to provide diversified curricula and increase the availability of space in order to enable pupils to exploit all opportunities available and transcend to higher levels of education upon graduation. At post-secondary level, the objective is provision of training programmes that are in line with the socio- economic needs of the country.

In its endevour to extend educational opportunities to all, particularly at basic education level, the Ministry has made remarkable efforts to aligning itself with global, regional and national policy initiatives. At international level, efforts have been made to attain the Education for All (EFA) targets and the Millennium Development Goals (MDG's). The aspirations of the EFA are covered by six goals namely: Expansion of Early Childhood Care and Development; Provision of free and compulsory primary education; Promotion of acquiring of life skills for adolescent and youth; Expansion of adult literacy; Elimination of gender disparities and enhancement of educational quality. The Millennium Development declaration sets eight specific goals (MDG’s) with specific targets. The fundamental aim of the Millennium declaration is eradication of extreme poverty and improvement of social welfare. MDGs place emphasis on attainment of Universal Primary Education and promotion of gender equality & empowerment of women. Regional and national policies also place emphasis on attainment of accessible quality education that is relevant and affordable to all.

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